Why care should be taken

As it is known, water is stored in water tanks, which is our most important need in daily life. The water stored in the tanks is used as a drinking water tank depending on the nature of the tank and its intended use, or it is used to store the water we use for the cleaning of our bodies and our belongings. In any case, water is very, very important for our health, cleanliness and quality of life. For this reason, the source from which the water used is supplied, the quality and characteristics of the devices in which the water is filtered and purified, and the properties and maintenance of the warehouse where it is stored finally become very important.

If the foreign materials or iron oxides adhering to the stainless material in the stainless tanks are not cleaned in time, they will react with the tank material and destroy the tank material. In galvanized and painted tanks, the galvanized coating or paint layer is a protective barrier between water and the tank material. Failure of this protective layer to be well protected or a small damage on it causes the tank to be destroyed in a short time and the water stored during this destruction to become highly polluted. A point damage or scratch on the paint causes water to enter behind the paint layer and causes the existing solid paints to swell and deteriorate.

Periodic maintenance and inspections are absolutely necessary in order for the tanks to maintain the quality and qualified water with the same qualities and to provide long-lasting healthy service.

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